Disney Creative Media
Disney Creative Media
Photo Download Micro Website
What is this micro website?
The Disney Creative Media micro website allows the Group Planner to view, download and share photos from your Event Documentation package. The photos can be viewed and downloaded directly to their personal computer or tablet.
How can I find the Event Documentation photos?
On your Banquet Event Order (BEO) your Claim Code is given under the Photo, Video & Multimedia section. Your photos will be available within 48 hours, following the conclusion of your event. Once you return home, simply go to the website: DisneyEventPhotography.com to begin viewing and downloading your photos.
How do I claim the Event Documentation photos?
On the home page of the website you should enter your Claim Code in the box provided and click the “View Photos” button. Thumbnail images of all the Event photos will be tiled on the screen. To see larger versions of any photo, simply click on the thumbnail. A larger window will appear showing the photo, along with controls allowing you to scroll through each photo from your events.
How do I add photos to my Favorites?
If you want to create a separate page for just your favorite photos, you can click the “” (Favorites) button in the upper right corner of each thumbnail. You can also click on a thumbnail of a photo to view it larger and then select the “
” (Favorites) on the lower right of the photo to mark it as a favorite. You can then choose to only view the photos saved as your favorites by selecting “Favorites” at the top of the page on the menu bar.
How do I download photos to my computer or tablet?
You can download your photos while viewing each individual photo by selecting the “” (download button) in the lower right corner of the photo. You can also use the “Download Images” link at the top of the page on the menu bar. Options are provided to download all of the photos or you can download the photos you’ve already marked as Favorites. The photos are downloaded directly from the website to your computer. No special software is required to download the photos. If you choose to download more than one photo at a time, the photos will be combined into a single ZIP file before being downloaded to your computer.
If you are viewing your photos on a tablet you can select on a thumbnail to view the photo larger, then just press and hold your finger on the tablet screen. You should be presented the option to save the photo directly to your tablet device. You will not be able to download all of your photos using the “Download Images” button on the top menu bar while viewing on your tablet device.
Copyright Policy
These photos are provided under the terms of the Limited License provided here:
You can make prints or other products from these photos for your personal use, share them with peers, executives or display them on your computer. You are not allowed to resell these photos or use them for any commercial purposes. If you have questions on the terms in this license, please send an email to: wdw.disney.photography@disneyparks.com
In your email, be sure to provide the Name of Company and Event Date of your event at Walt Disney World.
I’ve lost my Claim Code. Who can help me find the correct Claim Code in order to see the photos from my Adventure?
Please send an email directly to: wdw.disney.photography@disneyparks.com or call the Disney Creative Media Conventions Coordinator at 407.827.4265 M-F 9am-5pm
In your email, be sure to provide the Name of Company and Event Date of your event at Walt Disney World. You will receive a response within 24 hours with the correct Claim Code.
How long will my photos be available on this website?
The photos from each trip will be available on this website for 90 days following the conclusion of your event.
What internet browser should I use to view and download my photos?
We recommend using current versions of internet browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 (or newer), Safari, or Firefox. You may access DisneyEventPhotography.com using other browsers than are recommended, however your experience may not be optimal.
Can I order a disc of the images?
The microsite website is a password protected internet based site. This is advantageous for distributing images to peers or executives. If you still prefer a disc of images, we can provide a disc for $50 per disc plus shipping by submitting an email directly to: wdw.disney.photography@disneyparks.com or by calling the Disney Creative Media Conventions Coordinator at 407.827.4265 M-F 9am-5pm.