
Best moveset, counters, and more

Vikavolt is one of the most interesting-looking creatures in Pokemon GO. It is the final form of Grubbin, the adorable Bug-type species from the Alola region, which is the star of September 2023's Community Day. Players can catch Grubbin and evolve it to get Vikavolt, a Pocket Monster that is just as formidable in appearance as it is lethal in battle.

During the event, Vikavolt is getting a new Fast Attack called Volt Switch. As a result, many players will be wondering if the new addition will make changes to the critter's best moveset. This guide answers your queries in this regard.

Which moves can Vikavolt learn in Pokemon GO?

Vikavolt can learn the following Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO:

  • Volt Switch [Community Day exclusive]
  • Spark
  • Bug Bite
  • Mud Slap

The Stag Beetle Pokemon has the following Charged Attacks in its arsenal:

  • Discharge
  • X-Scissor
  • Discharge

Before moving on to its best moves for various situations, it is important to note the critter's elemental typing and stats. Vikavolt is a Bug and Electric-type Pocket Monster. Therefore, it will get the benefit of Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) when using moves of these types.

Vikavolt is an extremely offense-oriented critter, with a base 254 Attack, 158 Defense, and 184 Stamina.

Best PvP moveset for Vikavolt in Pokemon GO

At the outset, it is important to note that Vikavolt is not a good option in any of the GO Battle League formats. In fact, in the open Great League, its pre-evolution, Charjabug, is much better. You can read more about the Grubbin line's PvP viability in another article.

If you still wish to use Vikavolt in trainer battles, here is its best moveset:

  • Fast Attack: Volt Switch
  • Charged Attacks: Discharge and X-Scissor

Volt Switch is Vikavolt's best Fast Attack and deals 3.6 damage per turn (STAB included) while generating 4 energy every turn. This lets the critter deal excellent Fast Attack damage while reaching Charged Attacks quickly as well.

Vikavolt's primary Charged Attack should be X-Scissor. The move deals 78 damage (STAB included) and costs only 40 energy, bringing its damage per energy (DPE) ratio to 1.95. It takes approximately three Volt Switches to reach this attack.

For the second Charged Attack, the critter should learn Discharge. This move also deals 78 damage (STAB included) but costs 45 energy, making its DPE ratio around 1.73.

Best PvE moveset for Vikavolt in Pokemon GO

Vikavolt might not be good at PvP battles, but it surely shines as an Electric-type attacker in Gyms and raids. This is thanks to its supremely high offensive stats. The best moveset for this occasion is as follows:

  • Fast Attack: Volt Switch
  • Charged Attacks: Discharge

In PvE battles, Volt Switch has a damage output of approximately 10.5 damage per second (DPS) while generating 13.1 energy per second. Discharge deals 78 damage in battles against the computer as well. This means it has a damage output of approximately 31.2 DPS and consumes 13.2 EPS.

Best counters to Vikavolt in Pokemon GO

The biggest counters to Vikavolt in the Great League are Galarian Stunfisk, Shadow Gligar, Lickitung, Medicham, and Lanturn.

In the Ultra League, the critter suffers losses at the hands of Galarian Stunfisk. Giratina Altered Forme, Swampert, Cobalion, and Trevenant.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-04-28